

报告题目:Solid State Electrolyte and Interface
报告人:  美国马里兰大学付堃博士
邀请人: 潘洪革教授
Beyond state-of-the-art lithium-ion battery (LIB) technology with metallic lithium anodes to replace conventional ion intercalation anode materials is highly desirable because of lithium’s highest specific capacity and lowest negative electrochemical potential. Using solid state electrolyte is one of the most promising way to address the fundamental challenges of chemical/physical short circuits in Li metal batteries, such as Li dendrite penetration anddissolved cathode materials. In this presentation, I will talk about my recent research on the design of flexible solid state electrolyte and the strategy of reducing solid electrolyte-electrode interfacial resistance in Li metal batteries. This presentation is based on the recent work published in Nature Materials (2016), Science Advances (2017), PNAS (2016), and Energy and Environmental Science (2017).
 付堃,博士,现就职于美国马里兰大学 (University of Maryland, College Park) 材料科学与工程系与能源研究中心,任助理研究员 (Assistant Research Scientist) 2009年本科毕业于东华大学, 2014年博士毕业于美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学 (NC State University)。之后在马里兰大学能源研究中心从事博士后工作 (Postdoctoral Research Associate),并于2016年担任助理研究员。在纤维复合材料以及电池能源领域,有近十年研究经历。已发表英文论文60余篇,包括以第一或共同第一一作的身份在Nature Materials, Science Advances, PNAS, Energy and Environmental Science, Nano Letters, Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, ACS Nano, Chemistry of Materials等期刊上发表论文多篇,论文IF值为37,近4年论文总引用1300余次,科研成果多次被国际和国内媒体采访和报道,兼任多个学术期刊的审稿人。