

1. 5.24、5.29原定的两次课程取消、停课

2. 5.23下午6、7节 13:15-14:50 授课一次,主题“原位电子显微学:基础和最新进展”,地点:教十一513

3. 5.24白天授课四次, 地点:教十一510A教室,外教:ASU 物理系Jingyue Liu 教授

09:00 am-10:00 am---STEM I: Introduction

10:00 am-10:30 am---Break

10:30 am-11:30 am---STEM II: STEM Optics and Imaging Theory

11:30 am-01:30 pm---Lunch

01:30 pm-02:30 pm---STEM III: Projection Microscopy, Electron Ronchigram and STEM alignment

02:30 pm-03:00 pm---Break

03:00 pm-04:00 pm---STEM IV: Aberration-corrected STEM


4. 5.25全天、5.26上午授课,关于高分辨电子显微学,地点:教十一517教室,其中5.26 下午答疑。外教:日本名古屋大学应用物理系, Nobuo Tanaka教授,现任日本显微学会理事长。


May 25 (Thus)

9:00~12:00 Place: room 5?, No. 11 Teaching Bld?

1. Seeing the nanometer-sized world   - Introduction -

2. Structure of TEM, particularly mathematics of lens actions.

3. Basic theories of TEM imaging in comparison with a light microscope.

4.Revison of resolution for TEM

5.What is HRTEM?  - How can we observe a single atom using phase contrast? -

6. Lattice images and structure images  - Another kind of phase contrast -

7. Linear imaging theory of HRTEM

8. What is image simulation ?



9.  Energy filtered TEM

10. Electron holography

11. Electron tomography

12. Aberration corrected TEM


May 26 (Fri)

9:00~12:00 Place: room 517, No. 11 Teaching Bld 地点:教十一

13. What is STEM?  -Resolution improved by aberration correction-

14. Imaging modes in STEM, particularly the reciprocal theorem

15. Various image contrast in STEM including elemental analysis

16. Imaging theory for STEM

17. Concluding remarks for future prospects of electron microscopy.


13:30~15:00   Q & A on lectures


Reference :  N. Tanaka, "Electron Nano-Imaging" (Springer, 2017 May)




