

报告时间: 2014923日(星期二)下午15: 00


报告题目:Materials Challenges for Sustainable Development

报告人:Prof. Zheng-Xiao Guo

UCL Chemistry / London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London



“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” - UN Brundtland Commission, 1987.


The theme of “Sustainable Development” focuses the minds of many, including policy makers, economists, scientists and industrialists. Only through close corporation and clear understanding of all can we approach the goal cost-effectively, in terms of energy efficiency, demand reduction, low-pollutant emissions and resource security. Much of those efforts rely on creative innovations in (materials) science and effective transfer of key technologies in practice.


“How best to equip the new generation of students with the right knowledge, right skills and right mind-sets at the right time in the right place?” is the BIG question I’d like share and discuss here, in order to tackle the above challenges.



郭正晓教授,伦敦大学学院(UCL)化学系教授,校Pro-Provost。2000年被英国材料学会、皇家化学会与化学工业学会联合授予贝尔比奖章与奖金 (Beilby Medal and Prize)),为该奖设立60年来第一位华人得主。2001年获中国国家自然基金杰出海外青年基金。曾任伦敦清洁能源中心主任,英国商业创新技能部中-英纳米材料聚焦合作负责人。2011起任中国国务院侨办海外咨询专家。现主要从事CO2捕捉、生物燃料电池和生物质界面、储氢材料材料、微观结构表征等的基础和应用问题研究。为英可持续能源供给计划(SUPERGEN)下氢能源和生物能源电池主团队成员。应邀Chem. Soc. Rev. (IF=28) Prog. Mater. Sci. (IF18)发表长篇综述,在国际期刊发表SCI论文160多篇。组织、主持国际会议或做特邀报告60余次。