




Evaluation Guidelines


Poster Format


1. Use section headings to orient the viewer

2. Font sizes are large enough

3. Font types are appropriate (e. g., use Times for text and Helvitica for titles and headings)

4. Use italics instead of underlining

5. Keep graphs clean and simple

6. Use a dark color for text and light color for the background and vice versa.


Poster Content


1. Include the following information:

Title and Authors





Literature cited

Acknowledgements – people and funding

2. Say the same things in words or with a diagram, use a diagram

3. Don’t use abbreviations or jargon


Presenting a Poster:


1. Arrive early

2. Stand off to the side of your poster so that you don’t block it

3. Don’t chew gum

4. Keep your hands out of your pockets

5. Make eye contact with the reader, but let them read.

6. Speak to your viewers when you talk about your research

7. Expect viewers to stay at the most 5-10 minutes at your poster

8. Introduce your research with passion

9. Thank your viewers for visiting your poster